Newbie 932: GAME OVER

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Newbie 932: GAME OVER

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:28 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Today you were all distressed to find out that some mafia have moved into your poor little town! What are you going to do about it? The only thing you can do, lynch them!

Game status

Game over



Latest vote count

Sotty7 Post 448 wrote:
Final vote count of day four

razorback: 4 (deadjoker, Zachrulez, Exemption, CoheedCambria09)

deadjoker: 1 (razorback)

Not voting: 1 (Me=Weird)
Alive: 4


CoheedCambria09 (SE)

Dead: 5

McGriddle (IC) was lynched day one. He was a

was lynched on day two. He was a

Steam-Powered Shovel
(IC) was killed on night two. He was a

razorback (SE) was lynched day four. He was a

was killed on night four. He was a

The Inexperience Challenged (IC) player is here to help you learn to play the game. Their play is governed by the wiki article Being a good IC.
The Semi-experienced (SE) players have a level of experience somewhere between a newbie and an IC.
Last edited by Sotty7 on Mon May 03, 2010 10:53 am, edited 35 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:31 am

Post by Sotty7 »

General rules
  • This is a game. HAVE FUN!
  • Respect your fellow players at
    all times.
    If I feel attacks are getting too personal or out of hand I will replace/mod kill you as I see fit.
  • Do not quote any private mod/player communications. Do not pretend to quote private mod/player communications. Doing so will result in a modkill.
  • There is to be
    communication outside this thread unless your PM states otherwise.
  • This is my color. Please do use it.
Game play rules
  • Mod kills will end the day.
  • All votes must be in all
    to count and in the following format:
    Vote: Sotty
    . Unvotes are nice, but not required. I will not tolerate any kind of voting tricks. You have been warned.
  • A lynch will be reached when a majority of players (one-half of the living players plus one) vote for a specific player.
  • Once this point is reached, no amount of unvoting will stop the lynch.
  • Each day will have a deadline of three weeks. In extreme circumstances I will extend the deadline by a few days (no more than a week)
  • If a majority hasn't been reached by the deadline, then there will be a
    no lynch

  • Each night will have a deadline of three days, the weekend counts as one day.
  • Once a lynch has been reached, all players, (including the lynched player) may continue to post until I can get on and lock the thread.
  • Once you're dead.. Well you're dead. No more posting, dead people can't type! They also can't talk to others still in the game and tell them any info they may or may not have. Simple “bah” posts are allowed, I will delete anything else.
The everything else rules
  • No invisible text, encrypted text, stupidly small text or hiding text inside [ color = black ] tags.
  • I will try and get a votecount up every page or every 24 hours. Feel free to request a vote count at any time.
  • Prods will go out if you haven't posted in 72 hours. If you don't pick up that prod in 48 hours I will look for a replacement.
  • If you think you won't be able to post in the thread for a couple of days then please post a notice letting everyone know just that.
  • Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.
  • Bold all requests to the mod to make them easier for me not to miss.
  • I'm human, I make mistakes. Feel free to point out mistakes with small things such as the votecount in thread. If you have issues with the game on a bigger level then please PM me.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:37 am

Post by Sotty7 »

The F11 setup is the current game format used in Newbie games. To prevent the development of game-breaking strategies, these Newbie Games are Semi-Open, wherein the actual game setup is randomly chosen from one of four possible setups as detailed below:
  • 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Sane Cop, 1 Sane Doctor, 5 Townies
  • 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Townies
  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Sane Cop, 6 Townies
  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Sane Doctor, 6 Townies
If either of the first two setups are in play, and the situation occurs where the Goon is lynched first, the Roleblocker will still be able to submit both night kills and roleblocks (roleblocking is a function of the Roleblocker; night kills are a function of the scum team as a whole).

These are the Role PMs that have potentially been sent to the players:

Mafia-Aligned players:

Mod wrote:

You are a member of the Mafia along with your partner,
. Since your plot to quietly overtake the town has failed, you will attempt take it by force by eliminating the others until you outnumber the populace.
  • During the day, try to blend in with the normal Townies, and attempt to get someone lynched.
  • During the NIGHT cycle ONLY, you may talk with your fellow Mafia (via this quick topic) and choose another player in the town to kill that night.
  • You may communicate privately with your fellow Mafia up until the game thread is opened. Once the game begins, all outside communication must cease until the night cycle.
  • You win when the number of Mafia equals or exceeds the number of remaining Town players, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Mod wrote:

You are a member of the Mafia along with your partner,
. Since your plot to quietly overtake the town has failed, you will attempt take it by force by eliminating the others until you outnumber the populace.
  • During the day, try to blend in with the normal Townies, and attempt to get someone lynched.
  • As a Roleblocker, you have the ability to distract any player throughout the night, effectively negating their night ability, if they have one.
  • Send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to block. If they have a Night action, it will have no effect. You will not be informed as to whether your roleblock worked or not.
  • During the NIGHT cycle ONLY, you may talk with your fellow Mafia via this quick topic) and choose another player in the town to kill that night.
  • You may communicate privately with your fellow Mafia up until the game thread is opened. Once the game begins, all outside communication must cease until the night cycle.
  • You win when the number of Mafia equals or exceeds the number of remaining Town players, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you

Town-Aligned players:

Mod wrote:

You are a normal townsperson, trying to make a living and survive this insanity.
  • You have no abilities at Night other than getting a good night's rest.
  • Although you do not have any special abilities, your voice and vote are powerful weapons in their own right. Use them to your best advantage!
  • At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
  • You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Mod wrote:

You are the local law enforcement, and can tell the good guys from the bad.
  • Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to investigate.
  • The Moderator will inform you as to that person’s guilt or innocence.
  • At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
  • In a Newbie game, you will always get a correct result (no sanity issues).
  • You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Mod wrote:

You are the local physician, and can protect people from harm.
  • Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to protect.
  • If someone attempts to kill that player during the Night, they will be spared.
  • You may not protect yourself.
  • At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
  • In a Newbie game, your protection target will always live through the night (no quacks).
  • You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:41 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Set up is being generated and PMs will go out shortly...

All PMs are out and you must confirm by PM. Once 7 out of the 9 players have done that the thread will be opened and the game will start.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:59 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Okay, we have enough confirms so lets get the show on the road.

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

The deadline for the end of Day one is April 14th at 10am CST

Good luck!
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:48 am

Post by McGriddle »

Hello guys! I am (1) IC in this game. My job is to play like a normal player, but also teach the newbies, and everyone, about the rules of the game, and some methodology. I will answer any question you have.

We are in the RVS/RQS, or Random Voting Stage/Random Questioning stage. At this point in the game things are rather awkward as we wait for suspicions to fly, and finger pointing to begin. You are not required to participate in the RVS, but if you don't it could be used for someone elses strategy!

That being said, I will
Vote: Sirdaintalot
because he is an IC like me.

And I will ask some questions I would like all of you to answer.

Newbies -

How did you find this site?
What drew you to Mafia?
What do you hope to achieve?

SE's -

What is your playstyle.
What is the most effective means of scumhunting?
Would you rather be scum or town?

IC -

How many games have you played?
What is it that draws you to love this game?
Are you an aggressive player?
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:50 am

Post by McGriddle »

EBWOP (Edited by way of post) - His name is sirdanilot, not sirdaintalot T.T
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:59 am

Post by sirdanilot »

Hey guys.

I'm your IC, basically this means I'm an experienced player here to answer basic theory questions etc. but otherwisely I am a player just like you, so treat me like that.

On day one, we don't have a lot of information, however we do need to make a lynch today. If we no-lynch today, what will happen is that we won't gain ANY information (one of the most informative things in mafia is to know someone's alignment, and it is revealed upon death), at night someone will be killed, and we will be in day 2 back at square one minus one townie. This is not optimal play.

Now how do we know whom to lynch? We'll have to do our best to create a discussion and look for scum tells. To be honest, odds of hitting scum day 1 are not very high (if they are threatened to be lynched, they will often claim a power role, and lynching a claimed power role is often too risky) but we should still do our very best to try, since that gives us the information we need to pick off the scum.

What people often do early day 1 is revert to vote around jokingly, however I am personally not fond of that method. Why? Because what basically happens is that anything scummy happening in that phase (often called 'Random Voting Phase', though it's not at all official, nor does it have strict boundaries) is laughed away with 'lol it's only RVS' 'it's just a joke vote lol' which is detrimental to what we want.

What I have done in the past (please refer to THIS game I played in the past) is to choose not to random vote. It is your own choice, obviously. I do have a few questions, though:

1. What is your previous game experience? This includes not only MafiaScum games, but also Face-to-Face, off-site, chat/irc mafia etc.
2. What do you think about
regarding not random voting?*
: I do not want to start off a Game Theory discussion. I want to ask you guys what you think of the person (me) proposing this, not the actual game theoretical aspect, since it will drag discussion into a direction we don't want.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:06 am

Post by sirdanilot »

I crossposted with McGriddle, so some things might overlap. You see how our thoughts on game theory are different, this happens.

McGriddle- frist off, answer your own questions (the ones under 'IC').

You can look in my wiki how many games I have played. I can't say why I love this game - in fact a while ago I became extremely bored/fed up with it and took a long hiatus, but now I find I can enjoy it again. The tension of finding scum, and also the tension of being scum are enjoyable - it may not seem like a forum game can be very exciting, but it really is in its own way.

Sometimes I am aggressive (in the sense of calling people scum). I am not nearly as aggressive as some, though.

McG, I'll promise I'll keep our earlier game experience (kinmaker) out of this. If anyone wants to know what I'm talking about, go to my wiki then click on 'kinmaker' to see why I'm quite upset with McG. I do not want to make this a focus of discussion, but I cannot honestly refrain from mentioning it at all.

Also McG - why did you apply an arbitrary division between questions for newbies, SEs and ICs? Most of the questions I see apply to the other groups of players as well. I don't like this very much, Mc. (of course an exception may be 'how did you find this site' which is a bit irrelevant for ICs, but the point still stands).
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:15 am

Post by McGriddle »

Yes I understand. But no hard feeling please. This game is no fun when the past gets brought up constantly. I start every game with a clean slate on people.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:21 am

Post by Blue »

Hello everyone, just like to make friends with you all now. I swears I'm townie, honest :D
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:41 am

Post by Blue »

McGriddle wrote:SE's -

What is your playstyle.
What is the most effective means of scumhunting?
Would you rather be scum or town?
My playstyle is to accuse people often on a shaky basis, as a means of gathering information. I'm also very intuitive, I play a lot in real life and often get scum based on their behaviour, it's a lot more difficult here.

On the internet I guess the best means of scum-hunting are to put pressure on various people and try to catch them out. But as previously stated, it's very difficult to hit scum on this website, much easier in RL IMO where you know the players and understand their vanities.

I'm not sure which one I'd rather play, town feels more "secure" and I'm more of a good guy. Scum is perhaps more fun, but more difficult to play.

There's my little soliloquy.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:25 am

Post by sirdanilot »

* please bear with me as I'm testing my new hard contact lenses which are extremely frustrating and annoying, meaning I cannot guarantee my sanity...*
Blue wrote:
My playstyle is to accuse people often on a shaky basis
, as a means of gathering information. I'm also very intuitive, I play a lot in real life and often get scum based on their behaviour, it's a lot more difficult here.
I don't like this. Sounds a lot like you're already making up an excuse to just throw shit at people randomly. It's not much, but in these very early stages of the game scumtells are magnified..
fos blue
care to explain?
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:17 am

Post by CoheedCambria09 »

Hey, So I'm the other SE player in this game

I can't really answer any the first two SE questions with 100% accuracy. I joined a long time ago, and then after a few games took a long break. This is one of my first games back, so you'll have to bear with me

I feel that using pressure on people is one of the best scumhunting techniques, along with being able to pick up scumtells (something i need to work on). This isnt really a hunting technique, but i think that being able to state your opinion clearly plays a huge role in who gets suspicion placed on them and who doesnt.

Personally it doesnt matter to me if I am scum or town. Being something more than just a regular townie is always more exciting though.

And I feel as though I have to side with McGriddle on this one and
vote: Exemption
because we dont get those anymore
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:37 am

Post by McGriddle »

CoheedCambria09 wrote:This is one of my first games back, so you'll have to bear with me

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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:58 am

Post by CoheedCambria09 »

oh haha McG, Mcdonalds isnt even good lol
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:18 am

Post by razorback »

Hay glad to see new faces for a change around here. And as bad as this may sound my play style sometimes comes off as anti-town.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:31 am

Post by Exemption »

Hey guys.
I feel like putting GL HF but it doesn't seem the sort of game to put that.

Yer well i have played quite a few games of mafia in real life and then a bit on epic mafia, but i found the epic mafia too rushed for how i like to play. This is my first forum based game though

I found this site because one of my mates new i liked playing in real life so he directed me here.

What drew me to mafia (apart from the dorm leader at camp making us play it; i take it) It would have to be the suspence i think. Also i have always found it fun to try and guess what others are thinking, which probably leads to me liking this.

I hope to have fun and win. I would say it's the taking part that counts, but winning sure makes me feel good.

Oh and i love you not random voting. A random question stage seems a lot more valuable to me.

@CoheedCambria09 :( i feel sorry for the charities in your country then
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:47 pm

Post by razorback »

vote mc griddle
since i know you remember me
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:28 pm

Post by deadjoker »

McGriddle wrote:
Newbies -

How did you find this site?
What drew you to Mafia?
What do you hope to achieve?
1. Random google search.
2. Saw it being played in a political forum.
3. Be a winner (I hate losing).
sirdanilot wrote: 1. What is your previous game experience? This includes not only MafiaScum games, but also Face-to-Face, off-site, chat/irc mafia etc.
2. What do you think about me regarding not random voting?*
* NOTE: I do not want to start off a Game Theory discussion. I want to ask you guys what you think of the person (me) proposing this, not the actual game theoretical aspect, since it will drag discussion into a direction we don't want.
1. None.
2. I think it is a good way to make sure a bandwagon doesn't prematurely lynch some one without a good conversation.
So much for the thereafter.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:32 pm

Post by sirdanilot »

razorback wrote:Hay glad to see new faces for a change around here. And as bad as this may sound my play style sometimes comes off as anti-town.
razorback wrote:
vote mc griddle
since i know you remember me
vote: razorback

1. ignoring all the questions save one.
2. random voting in his second post. There was like 3 hours in between the posts, so it wasn't just an 'ebwop' (edit by way of post, since you can't edit your posts in mafia games). He clearly had
motive to change his mind and random vote anyway.

Razor, explain yourself. Now.
deadjoker wrote: 2. I think it is a good way to make sure a bandwagon doesn't prematurely lynch some one without a good conversation.
Well, lynches hardly ever happen this early in the game, and if they do, scum is definitely on it.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:36 pm

Post by razorback »

glad to answer in most games i have lost.

had 2 melt downs with players that couldn't be civilized.

and there are several games i can't mention right now with out being mod killed.

and when i started i messed up and played anti-town in my first game so it lend to my policy lynch in my second.

and last i see no need for a townperson not to vote in r.v.s. that is all i have to say right now folks.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:29 am

Post by pdor »

Hello guys!
First of all, I'm gonna answer McG's questions:

1. I found this site by googling when looking for a place to play Mafia
2. What drew me to Mafia was the possibility to enhance my ability to see who is a liar and who is not
3. I hope to achieve a better understending of people's strategies when they have secret goals

And sirdanilot's:

1. I've played three FtF games of Werewolves with mostly newbies, but this is my first forum-based mafia game
2.I agree that non-random voting is a good idea, because random voting might lead to a fast lynch that can be good only for scum. If I was mafia, I wouldn't say what you said, so, at the moment, I think you're probably town.
Since McG behaves opposedly, I'm gonna keep my eye on him. If I was scum, I'd try to trow suspicion on the best town player, who, in this case, would probably be one of the IC's. This is exactly what McG did at the beginning of the day. Obviously, this doesn't prove anything, but I just wanna let him know the pressure is on :-) .
Also blue, swearing he's town in his first post, raises my suspicion... please, explain what did you hope to achieve by doing that.
Finally, I think Exemption and sirdanilot are townies, 'cause they're behaving well. Razor is probably town too, but I actually wouldn't be to sad to see his death soon, since he can easily damage us if he lets his emotion take control over his mind (and I think it might happen sooner or later... sorry razor, it's just business).Obviously, this doesn't mean we should kill him just because someone doesn't like his face, it just means I'll keep my eye on him.
I think Drives, who hasn't spoken yet, might be a mafioso, a doctor or a cop.

I just stated clearly all I think about the other players because I think that the more we know about each other's thoughts, the more Town will be advantaged.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:12 am

Post by Blue »

pdor wrote:Also blue, swearing he's town in his first post, raises my suspicion... please, explain what did you hope to achieve by doing that
I always tell the truth.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:25 am

Post by McGriddle »

pdor wrote: Since McG behaves opposedly, I'm gonna keep my eye on him. If I was scum, I'd try to trow suspicion on the best town player, who, in this case, would probably be one of the IC's. This is exactly what McG did at the beginning of the day. Obviously, this doesn't prove anything, but I just wanna let him know the pressure is on :-) .
I like this.

Also, can you get an avatar please? It makes you a more distinguishable player.
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