Newbie 971: GAME OVER!

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Newbie 971: GAME OVER!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:55 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Today you were all distressed to find out that some mafia have moved into your poor little town! What are you going to do about it? The only thing you can do, lynch them!

Game status

Game over



Latest vote count

Sotty7 wrote:
1st vote count of day four

Not voting: 3 (gandalf, Pizzaplate, yabbaguy)
Alive: 3


yabbaguy (IC)

Dead: 6

Good and Honest was lynched on day one. He was a

CarneyBaby88 was killed on night one. He was a

parknourie was lynched on day two. He was a

Reverse Simplicity was killed on night two. He was a

Zinive was lynched on day three. He was a
mafia goon

was killed on night three. He was a

The Inexperience Challenged (IC) player is here to help you learn to play the game. Their play is governed by the wiki article Being a good IC.
The Semi-experienced (SE) players have a level of experience somewhere between a newbie and an IC.
Last edited by Sotty7 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:29 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:55 am

Post by Sotty7 »

General rules
  • This is a game. HAVE FUN!
  • Respect your fellow players at
    all times.
    If I feel attacks are getting too personal or out of hand I will replace/mod kill you as I see fit.
  • Do not quote any private mod/player communications. Do not pretend to quote private mod/player communications. Doing so will result in a modkill.
  • There is to be
    communication outside this thread unless your PM states otherwise.
  • This is my color. Please don't use it.
Game play rules
  • Mod kills will end the day.
  • All votes must be in all
    to count and in the following format:
    Vote: Sotty
    . Unvotes are nice, but not required. I will not tolerate any kind of voting tricks. You have been warned.
  • A lynch will be reached when a majority of players (one-half of the living players plus one) vote for a specific player.
  • Once this point is reached, no amount of unvoting will stop the lynch.
  • Each day will have a deadline of three weeks. In extreme circumstances I will extend the deadline by a few days (no more than a week)
  • If a majority hasn't been reached by the deadline, then there will be a
    no lynch

  • Each night will have a deadline of three days.
  • Once a lynch has been reached, all players, (including the lynched player) may continue to post until I can get on and lock the thread.
  • Once you're dead.. Well you're dead. No more posting, dead people can't type! They also can't talk to others still in the game and tell them any info they may or may not have. Simple.
The everything else rules
  • No invisible text, encrypted text, stupidly small text or hiding text inside [ color = black ] tags.
  • I will try and get a votecount up every page or every 24 hours. Feel free to request a vote count at any time.
  • Prods will go out if you haven't posted in 72 hours. If you don't pick up that prod in 48 hours I will look for a replacement.
  • If you think you won't be able to post in the thread for a couple of days then please post a notice letting everyone know just that.
  • Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.
  • Bold all requests to the mod to make them easier for me not to miss.
  • I'm human, I make mistakes. Feel free to point out mistakes with small things such as the votecount in thread. If you have issues with the game on a bigger level then please PM me.
Last edited by Sotty7 on Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:56 am

Post by Sotty7 »

The F11 setup is the current game format used in Newbie games. To prevent the development of game-breaking strategies, these Newbie Games are Semi-Open, wherein the actual game setup is randomly chosen from one of four possible setups as detailed below:
  • 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Sane Cop, 1 Sane Doctor, 5 Townies
  • 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Townies
  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Sane Cop, 6 Townies
  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Sane Doctor, 6 Townies
If either of the first two setups are in play, and the situation occurs where the Goon is lynched first, the Roleblocker will still be able to submit both night kills and roleblocks (roleblocking is a function of the Roleblocker; night kills are a function of the scum team as a whole).

These are the Role PMs that have potentially been sent to the players:

Mafia-Aligned players:

Mod wrote:

You are a member of the Mafia along with your partner,
. Since your plot to quietly overtake the town has failed, you will attempt take it by force by eliminating the others until you outnumber the populace.
  • During the day, try to blend in with the normal Townies, and attempt to get someone lynched.
  • During the NIGHT cycle ONLY, you may talk with your fellow Mafia (via this quick topic) and choose another player in the town to kill that night.
  • You may communicate privately with your fellow Mafia up until the game thread is opened. Once the game begins, all outside communication must cease until the night cycle.
  • You win when the number of Mafia equals or exceeds the number of remaining Town players, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Mod wrote:

You are a member of the Mafia along with your partner,
. Since your plot to quietly overtake the town has failed, you will attempt take it by force by eliminating the others until you outnumber the populace.
  • During the day, try to blend in with the normal Townies, and attempt to get someone lynched.
  • As a Roleblocker, you have the ability to distract any player throughout the night, effectively negating their night ability, if they have one.
  • Send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to block. If they have a Night action, it will have no effect. You will not be informed as to whether your roleblock worked or not.
  • During the NIGHT cycle ONLY, you may talk with your fellow Mafia via this quick topic) and choose another player in the town to kill that night.
  • You may communicate privately with your fellow Mafia up until the game thread is opened. Once the game begins, all outside communication must cease until the night cycle.
  • You win when the number of Mafia equals or exceeds the number of remaining Town players, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you

Town-Aligned players:

Mod wrote:

You are a normal townsperson, trying to make a living and survive this insanity.
  • You have no abilities at Night other than getting a good night's rest.
  • Although you do not have any special abilities, your voice and vote are powerful weapons in their own right. Use them to your best advantage!
  • At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
  • You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Mod wrote:

You are the local law enforcement, and can tell the good guys from the bad.
  • Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to investigate.
  • The Moderator will inform you as to that person’s guilt or innocence.
  • At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
  • In a Newbie game, you will always get a correct result (no sanity issues).
  • You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Mod wrote:

You are the local physician, and can protect people from harm.
  • Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to protect.
  • If someone attempts to kill that player during the Night, they will be spared.
  • You may not protect yourself.
  • At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
  • In a Newbie game, your protection target will always live through the night (no quacks).
  • You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
  • You can find the game thread here
  • Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:58 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Okay, set up is being generated and PMs are going out. Keep in mind that there maybe a break in service since we are all getting ready to move house. Don't worry, any time lost will be taken into consideration with the deadline, if the game even opens before then.

Please hold.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:39 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Okay, all PMs are out. As soon as 7 out of 9 players have confirmed by PM I will open the game.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:52 am

Post by Sotty7 »

Okay, with the server move I figured it is best to open the game up and let those who are here post. I am going to give those who haven't picked up their role PMs a little while before I start looking for replacements.

alive it takes
to lynch.

Deadline is set for Wednesday the 7th of July at 12pm CST
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:00 am

Post by Zinive »

So this game has started. I'm excited especially since I know none of you. Lets have some fun and grill some scum :)
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:03 am

Post by NashiNashi »

Hi, reporting in.

This is my second Mafia game ever, so it's going to be a learning curve for me. So are we lynching for the first day?
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:29 am

Post by yabbaguy »

Hi all! Surprised that it's just me as an IC, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. Some thoughts before we begin.

1- If you're vanilla, don't claim that fact. Perhaps it's believable, but the really disastrous consequences behind it is that the Mafia (who know you're Town) now have one less possible Town target who could be one of the powerroles (ie: Cop or Doctor), and that therefore gives them an advantage. The last thing we want is giving scum unnecessary clues. Necessary only comes when powerclaiming is the only way out of your lynch.

2- No Lynch is a statistically bad idea right now, as agreed by many on this forum. The mistake made by quite a few newbies I've seen is that they fall into the thought of "so often a townie is lynched on D1- we'd better get some concrete information before we make a choice on who to lynch".
Recalling that a lynch is the ONLY way to actually kill the Mafia in this game, No Lynching actually loses us a mislynch. If we try every time, at least it takes 3 screw-ups before the Mafia win. However, if we No Lynch at this moment, the game could end in as few as 2 mislynches. Weakening the town's only weapon is RIDICULOUSLY bad. Now of course, No Lynch doesn't always do dastardly things, so later on, we may put serious consideration towards it. For now though, most would contest it's a bad idea.

3- Take stances, be honest, and be opinionated! The ultimate objective here is to see how people take stances and how they behave when certain situations arise (a claim, a mass wagon forming, whatever). Transparency is an incredible pro-town thing, and the more transparent you show yourself to be, the easier it will be to read you. Vanillas, you've got absolutely nothing to hide, so there's no excuse for lurking and being introverted about your opinions. Some members decide to take that approach, but it complicates the game that much further, and I believe it to be unnecessary.

In other words, don't be the one who just says "I don't know what to do, I'm not good at this game. What if I lynch scum?" and just sits in a corner feeling sorry for himself. That is ridiculously non-transparent.

4- Play to your win condition. Remember, you win EVEN IF YOU DIE. That therefore means you need to be consistently trying to get your antagonists eliminated. Scum outing scumbuddies can and has force-abandonned a game and probably will get you permabanned from the site. As Town, you're trying to vote for Mafia. Selfvoting and giving up is... well... anti-town, because you know for fact that the lynch is going to be on someone who's pro-town. That's not gonna win you the game.

5- Learn your arguing fallacies and avoid them as much as possible. Some common ones include:

WIFOM- a path of circular logic or one where reverse psychology can confound analysis of a statement.

Example: "Oh that guy got shot, and he was accusing X, so X is probably scum!"
"Nah, that's what the Mafia want you to think. It's clearly not him."
"But maybe the Mafia knew you were going to say that. It still could be."
...and this dialogue could theoretically carry on for decades. Avoid.

Appeal to Emotion (AtE)- For example, guilt-tripping players like "You'll be sorry to see me flip town when you get me lynched!" This usually implies a lack of inner resources to actually give an intelligent response as to why they shouldn't be lynched. Avoid.

I'd also like to point out that trying to argue while emotionally stressed, upset, or even ridiculously excited is sub-optimal. Clear, level-headed thoughts are ultimately what win out, especially since we play 3-week deadlines 'round these parts, so we all have time to think about it. Even if you are lynched, your statements don't die with you; we can always view them later. Keep your cool as much as possible.

6- Take all advice and player-provided information with a grain of salt. While having informants like me is great remember that we may be scum- or perhaps just plain wrong. Ultimately, you have to think for yourself, and while scum won't (and would be stupid to) lie all the time, you have to be consciously thinking as much as you can about why your 8 possible adversaries are saying the things they are. Perhaps it's a misconception, a mistake, or flat-out misdirection. And that's what you ultimately have to deduce for yourself.


I could wish you good luck, but it's not the most important thing. Keep your eyes peeled for the liars, that's how we'll win, Town. Scum, I won't even suggest how you to play the game, that's for you two to decide. You know you need to appear like a scumhunter, not act informed, and not be the lynch, but beyond that, there's a multitude of ways you could approach this between the two of you.

It's game time. As much as I'd like to say we're all in this together, well, that would be a lie.

yabbaguy ~ Winning without actually winning.

Town: 10-21 | Mafia: 3-4 | Other: 0-1
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:34 am

Post by yabbaguy »

Other thoughts:

-Get an avatar as soon as possible. This will help distinguish posts more easily.
-With the absence of visible gender icons on this forum, I'll start with the assumption that you're male until proven otherwise (Sotty7 is female, I know, but that's it).
-Curiously, there's now VOTE and UNVOTE tags, a feature that didn't even exist in the last forum. I am curious whether or not it actually has functionality, but the old method, bold tags (bracketted b and /b tags), will probably work just as well.
yabbaguy ~ Winning without actually winning.

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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:15 am

Post by CarneyBaby97 »

Hey all, this is my second game (used to play a while back, just finished one a couple of days ago). Im excited about this new server, it looks pretty spectacular. =)

Anyways, Yabba, you like to talk......whew. :P
Once we get everyone checked in hopefully we can get the game moving along a bit quicker.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:38 am

Post by yabbaguy »

I've used derivations of that speech multiple times before, but yeah, while I'm not a prolific text waller, I may very well go on rants.

Oh yeah: the deadline's for three WEEKS, a lot longer than most Mafia forums. That's going to make this game quite analytical, but also lets you have a life and play Mafia, too. :)
yabbaguy ~ Winning without actually winning.

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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:43 am

Post by mallowgeno »

yabbaguy wrote:
-Get an avatar as soon as possible. This will help distinguish posts more easily.
Don't tell me what to do :P I'm a non-conformist
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:48 am

Post by mallowgeno »

yabbaguy wrote: Keep your eyes peeled for the liars, that's how we'll win, Town.
Sorry to be harpin on you already yabba but just pointing out that just because someone lies doesn't mean they're scum. If there's a cop or doc they wanna blend in to appear to be blues so they don't get picked off. Also, a blue may claim a pr for the safety of another. Just pointing this out.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:25 am

Post by yabbaguy »

We call them "vanilla" on MS, by the way, for plain vanilla townie.

Fakeclaiming powerroles though likely will lead to disaster. That usually results in the actual powerrole counterclaiming (provided it exists, we don't know in a semi-open), and then a vanilla getting lynched, then the actual PR likely dying next Night.

How do I know? It happened to me. rzhang86 in this game fakeclaimed doctor as vanilla, causing the other doctor to counterclaim and think the game was sealed, when in fact, we almost blew the game here due to this.

Claiming Vanilla as a powerrole also leads to equally dismal results, with Nikanor here inhibiting a counterclaim against ConsonantM's fake docclaim. When he reversed on that notion, we disbelieved him and lynched him.

That's why lying as Town seldom has its advantages. PRs need to blend, yes, but lying isn't the way to go at it.
yabbaguy ~ Winning without actually winning.

Town: 10-21 | Mafia: 3-4 | Other: 0-1
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:01 pm

Post by Good and Honest »

Hello, fellow townspeople!

I'm afraid I have a tendency to write long posts and that's the case now as well because I have a few important things to say.

This is my first Mafia game on the Internet. I have only played several games once in real life but I became really interested in the game. However, the rules were somewhat different than the rules here - when someone died, you didn't find out what their role was and no one could reveal their role during the game, either. Also, each day three people had to be nominated and then you could vote for one of them to be lynched...

Anyway, I was extremely lucky to be a regular "townie" in each of those games in real life. Why lucky? Because I couldn't imagine myself being a Killer (as we called the bad role in the game)... I didn't want to do bad things! While it's obvious that since I've registered here, I'm willing to accept it that sometimes I'll be a mafioso, I still want to try my best not to do "bad" things (I can't define what I mean by "bad" yet).

Another important thing from my real life playing experience - I didn't vote for other players to be lynched. Why? Because I'd feel awful to vote for someone to be lynched... even if they turn out to have a bad role in the game. There was one exception - when only I and two other players remained in one game. One of those two had to be the Killer and I HAD TO vote, otherwise the town would lose. Well, I voted (the person was innocent but that's not important now) and I didn't feel awful - I felt like a detective who was solving a case and determining who the criminal was. However, that was because it was all up to me to make a decision...

Why am I telling you this story? Because I plan to do the same here as in those real life games - I won't vote for anyone until we reach a point when the town can't win without my vote (according to my estimations, in Newbie games that can happen on Day 3 at the earliest). I just can't make myself vote for someone before that point...

However, that doesn't mean I'm going to be inactive during the first days. I'll participate in the discussions and investigations, I'll share my views about the things that happen in our game... I love being a detective!

I really like yabbaguy's appeal that we be honest. That's another thing that I intend to do - always to be honest, never to lie. Even as a mafioso I'll try not to say things that are untrue. I want people on this forum to know that whenever I'm saying something, it's true.

As you can see, I'd like to have a certain playstyle which suits my character - and I'd like the other people on this site to be aware of that playstyle. It's not a coincidence that I have chosen the username "Good and Honest" - when playing this game, I don't want to do bad things or lie.

Of course, I realize that some people might not like my playstyle. That's why I'll immediately say this to you, fellow townspeople:

If you think my playstyle is going to make the game less enjoyable for you, you can vote to lynch me. After all, I don't want to spoil your enjoyment.

And that's how I want to finish my post - no matter if you keep me in or not, I really hope you all enjoy this game!
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:15 pm

Post by Zinive »

Hehe somehow I like your post Good and Honest. I can't agree with the no voting thing but well thats just me :)

Now that some basics are we will actually get moving? I mean how will we choose the first one to lynch if no-lynch is not an option?
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:42 pm

Post by CarneyBaby97 »

We play.
That's how we get started.

VOTE: Good and Honest
That post creeped me out. Plain and simple. Why would you ever not vote if you suspect someone? I mean, I know you said you didn't want to "hurt" anyone, but hell, we're on the internet.
Anyway, I was extremely lucky to be a regular "townie" in each of those games in real life. Why lucky? Because I couldn't imagine myself being a Killer (as we called the bad role in the game)... I didn't want to do bad things! While it's obvious that since I've registered here, I'm willing to accept it that sometimes I'll be a mafioso, I still want to try my best not to do "bad" things (I can't define what I mean by "bad" yet).
---I feel like you are aTe WAY to much here. I wont feel sorry for you because you are a goody two shoes. Also, for telling us that you wouldn't lie even if you were scum, makes it feel like you are trying to buddy up with us. Bleck.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:50 pm

Post by yabbaguy »

Wowza. I've never seen a newbie enter with a full-blown speech like that.
G & H wrote:I won't vote for anyone until we reach a point when the town can't win without my vote (according to my estimations, in Newbie games that can happen on Day 3 at the earliest). I just can't make myself vote for someone before that point...
Ooh, I don't like that. You'll quickly figure out that voting and bandwagon analysis (in other words, who's "piling on" to lynch candidates readily at what times) are quite prominent on the site. I assure you, promising "good discussion" isn't as good an indicator of where your beliefs lie as your vote. Your vote actually has power, to end the Day, to indicate confidence in your scum choice, etc. Non-transparency by not swinging your vote is anti-town, potentially scummy.

VOTE: Good and Honest

Edit during post: See how decisive Carney is off the bat with that vote? Taking strong and clear stances and helping to set off fireworks and get the game rolling is pro-town, and votes help to do that.

(Though your caps are inverted Carney, Appeal to Emotion is AtE, just so you know. Interesting application of it off the bat, though I technically disagree)
yabbaguy ~ Winning without actually winning.

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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:03 pm

Post by Zinive »

Hmm he was just honest but I can see the reasons and it really is a bit suspicious. So basically yabbaguy you say not voting is anti-town? This is hard to imagine for me but unless you two are scum I have no reason to believe this is some weird kind of mafia trap so here goes the bandwagon.

VOTE: Good and Honest
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:13 pm

Post by Reverse Simplicity »

Wow, Did not realize the game had started, already confirmed my role.

Hey everyone, this is my first largish game, my others have been marathons (they are great fun :))

I wont vote without reading thoroughly GaH has painted a target on his back, as a newbie game there is 0 chance for a role like jester,


Sorry but It feels to me like you are trying to get us to accept you, being a goody goody in other game does not mean anything.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:18 pm

Post by Reverse Simplicity »

Not voting. Is bad, if you have an opinion about something, the best way to get that opinion heard is to follow along with your own opinion.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:23 pm

Post by CarneyBaby97 »

UNVOTE: Good and Honest

WOAH! L-1 on page one of D1? WTCrap?

And Yabba, thanks for the heads up. My AtE is different from everyone elses. I use it in the sense that people are trying to pull heart strings, not just when they claim.

We can't jump on someone like that this soon. I know the guy had it coming (mmm, Chicago popped into my head), but its the first page of D1. Wow.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:52 pm

Post by Reverse Simplicity »

Lol, so used to marathon games. Does anyone have any Random Questions? would could do some of that while waiting for others.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:09 pm

Post by yabbaguy »

@Reverse: You don't need Random Questioning Stage when the game's started like it has.

Why did you L-1, again?
Zanive wrote:So basically yabbaguy you say not voting is anti-town? This is hard to imagine for me
Why? You have every right to unvote and mull over your options (or if a wagon takes off at an alarmingly fast speed, as Carney noticed), but inhibiting it for the whole game is anti-town for the reasons stated above.
yabbaguy ~ Winning without actually winning.

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