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Post Post #425 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:39 am

Post by Datisi »

That would be such a bs role
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Post Post #426 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:43 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 423, Datisi wrote:
In post 419, Menalque wrote:I kinda think we should do icon prob

Yes, it’s cutting away dong’s support in a way that makes us look worse

But fuck this game so let’s jst do it anyway?
Aaaagh, like
I don't wanna make a kill that makes us look worse
But idk what other kill to do
Idk would scumdong kill icon here
In post 420, Menalque wrote:What could the trap be that the flip would be bad for us?

I think one of them might be a loyal neighboriser, but then i just CC dong if he claims that
That's the thing,
i don't know

Like i legit can't think pf anything
And idk if he's bsing us or if he's actually not just a neighbor

And his eod interaction with dong reads so weird
Why do we make a kill that makes us look worse tho, instead of something like kori that makes us look better? NKA is always WIFOM

Dong could plausibly make the kill for the same reason I thought of killing kori — kill your supporters and you look like you’re being weakened/framed

Also, hey, we’re in the power position here. Maybe they have something that will make us change plans, but fundamentally we know who they are and they don’t know who we are. I don’t think we should worry too much about traps especially if we can’t think of how a NK would confirm us as scum. I think we just pick who we think helps us the most with getting through to 5 or 3p lylo
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Post Post #427 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:48 am

Post by Datisi »

Okay, say we kill icon. And assuming there's no protectives or something due to our lack of anything.

We go after dong tomorrow. I think bella/Locke also have a chance of eating rope. (and us but shhhh)


What if dong doesn't get lynched? Do we just nk them? Or nk kori?
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #428 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:48 am

Post by Datisi »

Also classes starting in 10 mins, I'll try to be around on breaks

Also who does the kill? I was thinking you?
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Post Post #429 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:00 am

Post by Datisi »

Oh how I don't wanna be here~

Not sure if it matters, since i kinda doubt there's a tracker/watcher
But like

Like seriously is there a "good" kill for us here?
Is there even a consensus TR rn?

Fucc gotta run
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #430 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:13 am

Post by Datisi »

I'm staring at Icon's 414
and at the Normal Game wiki page
and I've frankly got zero idea.
icon why wrote:My role PM description didn't end when it said I was in a PT.
Did he ever actually forget claiming L-1? I don't remember him ever forgetting to claim L-1.

like is this wifom
is this bait
what is this
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #431 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:16 am

Post by Menalque »

It’s not necessarily about killing the consensus TR, it’s about killing people who are interfering with the ability to control the game

That might be because they’re forceful personalities, and later game being conf!town or PR or just town!locked by everyone raises their threat level

But I think the NK should always be based on your winning objective, which is to get to lylo and get one towny to vote another.

Right now, I think icon meets the criteria well: he’s hard to mislynch now, he supports the main candidate that we’d like to lynch tomorrow, he scumspects me at a minimum, he is familiar with both our meta

We can always try to WIFOM it, but I think the main question is who is better? Because if we do dong, we’re not doing icon tomorrow. But if we do icon tonight, we might be able to do dong tomorrow.

But I don’t feel super strongly about it, if you really wanna go elsewhere I’m on board
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Post Post #432 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:20 am

Post by Datisi »

That was more... me babbling about the gamestate than genuine NK thoughts.

I don't know, as I was leaving the tram some 45 minutes ago, a thought crossed my mind. That we're taking for granted "hurr durr Korina's gonna vote Dong tomorrow after Icon flips".
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #433 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:24 am

Post by Menalque »

Yeah, I don’t think it’s guaranteed by any means, but what’s our alternative? This is why I like to think of it it terms of long term lylo prospects

Kori is a player who I think can either be widely TR or widely SR depending on the player base, but not actually that much in relation to what he’s doing, more based on how people click with him

If we do kori tonight and I don’t push dong after that hammer then I think that looks wildly out of sync with town!me who I think most always doubles down here
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Post Post #434 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:29 am

Post by Datisi »

oh yeah, same, town!Datisi pushes Dong to hell and back here. But a big question is whether that push is actually going to work or not. Like, I want to think about lylo (and i get why we should), but when we've got such a big question mark in the gamestate i'm not sure how.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #435 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:32 am

Post by Datisi »

Locke/Bella/Klick 5p lylo is an interesting one. (Though if we want to keep TRing eachother, we'd have to push a team there.) However, it assumes that the Dong lynch goes through tomorrow. Which... Agh, i don't know. I mean i get that, given today, our only option is to either kill dong or for both of us to tunnel him tomorrow.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #436 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:39 am

Post by Datisi »

also also, as shit as dong's action is, not sure how logically i can push it as scum if icon flips.

(if we take what icon had been saying at face value) he could be sus of dong. dong claims mason whatever to "buddy" icon. dong then kills the person they're trying to buddy?? like at some point screaming "wifom" is not gonna cut it
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #437 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:48 am

Post by Datisi »

i *clap* hate *clap* this *clap* game *clap* why did those fucks hammer chem

like i wanna NK icon purely out of spite because their
Mena wrote:iMpOrtAnT rOle StUFf
is a pile of garbage and i hate it

like i'm all in for the two of us to openly push dong together because i feel like this is the kind of Town who would miss the scum duo openly pushing the same mislynch right under their noses

but I'm aware that Icon might not be the best NK because realistically up until which point can we scream "wifom dong scum" after icon dies if dong was trying to "buddy" him?

but Icon is honestly annoying me (hi if you're reading this) with the "ohh we're not masons :) I'm something importnat :) I'm gonna be a lighting rod :) i'm going to :) sacrifice myself :)" and then "uhhhh dong hammered :( i don't trust dong :( they're buddying me :(" like what the shit it smells and i think it's a trap but idk is it nk bait or anti-nk wifom

but like i wanna bite that bait so hard i want icon

like he almost reads like he wants to eat the nightkill i say let him have it

(but that fucking "other masons" post. "other". what. does. that. mean. like if he actually flips Mason? Then we're completely fucked.)

but but but I'm also well aware that we might not even have a better alternative here?

like if we NK dong then icon's pretty much untouchable?? if we kill Kori i mean sure locke looks BaD but we have to keep tunnelling dong with icon around and due to his whatever posts and is anyone gonna wanna vote them since chem is dead???

lmao maybe we should no kill
you soft a protective on me
buddy me even harder
i just keep sheeping you

wait no can we NK each other
that's obviously the solution here


I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #438 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:55 am

Post by Datisi »

I thought we were the
but i don't feel particularly informed of anything right now

okay I'm gonna stop spamming this thread now. should try to catchup on sleep. maybe a dream will reveal all the PR's to me again.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #439 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:08 am

Post by Menalque »

I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again

You can come back and be like “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 bulletproof multitasking cop and self-targeting doctor” and I will go “okay, Locke kill it is then”
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Post Post #440 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:08 am

Post by Datisi »

In post 157, Datisi wrote:Oh yeah, had a dream last night that gobble replaced heaven and figured both of us out. Might have to keep an eye on that slot.
did you miss this lmao?
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #441 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:10 am

Post by Menalque »

Could icon be in 2 different PTs?

Like, he’s in a neighbourhood with dong

But masons with someone else

That would also make neighbourhood enabler much more of a check on town power imo
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Post Post #442 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:10 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 440, Datisi wrote:
In post 157, Datisi wrote:Oh yeah, had a dream last night that gobble replaced heaven and figured both of us out. Might have to keep an eye on that slot.
did you miss this lmao?
Let’s kill kori
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Post Post #443 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:11 am

Post by Datisi »

In post 439, Menalque wrote:I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again

You can come back and be like “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 bulletproof multitasking cop and self-targeting doctor” and I will go “okay, Locke kill it is then”
also this genuinely made me laugh i'm gonna sig this after the game ends if that's okay with you

pedit: i mean, not impossible? but who'd he be masons here with?
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #444 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:14 am

Post by Datisi »

like my first guess was that he was a mason enabler (with bella being a potential mason because that one post is just so odd)
in any case his "haha i'm a mysterious pr" bs makes me wanna kill him
and I doubt there's protectives unless the creators of this setup are that wicked
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #445 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:20 am

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In post 443, Datisi wrote:
In post 439, Menalque wrote:I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again

You can come back and be like “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 bulletproof multitasking cop and self-targeting doctor” and I will go “okay, Locke kill it is then”
also this genuinely made me laugh i'm gonna sig this after the game ends if that's okay with you

pedit: i mean, not impossible? but who'd he be masons here with?
Lol go for it

Good question

Prob requires some iso digging if it may be true. Is there anyone he didn’t really interact with a lot but left as hard town or strongly townside all game?
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Post Post #446 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:21 am

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If there are protectives then I think this game is townsided, but I think the review board tend to err on the side of townsided so I wouldn’t be totally shocked
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Post Post #447 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:27 am

Post by Datisi »

In post 445, Menalque wrote:Good question

Prob requires some iso digging if it may be true. Is there anyone he didn’t really interact with a lot but left as hard town or strongly townside all game?
well, my first guess would've been dong, but they're Not Masons™

not klick/vex/bella, they were voting him when he was at L-1
chem obviously isn't
neither are the two of us

like that leaves locke, who said he wanted to put icon at L-1

now that i think about it, had those two even interacted?

i still wanna kill icon if anything just to see what the fuck he's gonna flip

tbh town neighbors + masons + whatever the protective shit would be a bit too much i feel against a goon and a neighbor enabler
but idk if there's a point in even thinking about that because if a kill fails we're fucked anyway
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #448 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:33 am

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Lol do u wanna no kill
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Post Post #449 (ISO) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:34 am

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This is probably insane but you could claim a save on me

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