Micro 1091 - Prism v. 1L Year [Game Over]

Micro Games (9 players or fewer). Archived during the 2023 queue overhaul.
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Post Post #500 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:05 am

Post by Lukewarm »

On a different note
In post 494, Meuh wrote: Luke's entrance overlaps a lot with my own perspective on the game over time and I don't know if that's something I should feel good or bad about
The idea that if I were scum, I might mirror my PoV to yours in particular is kind of silly, but I also think it is a townie paranoia to have.

+1 town point to Meuh.
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Post Post #501 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:12 am

Post by catboi »

In post 499, Lukewarm wrote: You said that part of it was because we were mutually pushing each other, and I counted that by saying that GL has not been particularly pushing me.

Does that change your take on whether me flipping town would bolster a GL scum read? Or do you feel like I missed something from the GL push?

Do you feel that way about us, even if you were wrong about the mutual push? if so, why?
Your slot has been the only one he's been scumreading, I don't think it's unfair to characterize that as a push. I realize your read of him is not primarily based around how he's handling your slot. That doesn't make a huge difference to me in terms of how I view it. It's partially also because I feel like other people have been towny and your slots were ones I was uncertain on and didn't have strong towntells from either of you.
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Post Post #502 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:18 am

Post by catboi »

In post 488, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 482, catboi wrote: VOTE: Dunn

I guess I land here: not really strongly townread by anyone but also not getting pressured.
That does not mean I am mafia.
True it doesn't but I don't townread you. If I'm wrong on you then either I'm wrong on cakez (entirely possible but I'm personally not going to vote him Day 1), or someone else is getting misread by people.
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Post Post #503 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:33 am

Post by Prism »

Vote Count 1.5


Today, we're headed across the pond to the United Kingdom a lesson in criminal law!

Our tragic hero Faulkner was employed on a cargo ship loaded with rum, sugar, cotton, etc. Unfortunately for our hero, he didn't own any of it. A sharp man displeased with the current state of affairs and dreadfully thirsty, he decided to revolt against this unjust state of affairs.

He snuck down to the hold and bored a hole through the rum barrel in mere effort to stave off his dehydration. Step one of his plan complete, our hero needed only to drink up the rewards of his labors.

The hold was very dark, but fortunately for Faulkner, he's again a sharp and intelligent man gifted with incredible powers of foresight. He had come prepared. He lit a match to create some light so that he could see where the rum was flowing. The match hit the rum. The rum instantly caught flame, lit the whole barrel on fire, and brought the entire ship down with it. Somehow, our crafty protagonist made it out with some luck and quick thinking.

The prosecutor brought charges of larceny for stealing the rum and arson for setting the ship on fire, and Faulkner was convicted of both charges. However, on appeal, the arson conviction was overturned. Arson is a crime that requires intent, while our hero intended to steal away with some rum, he never intended to set the ship on fire. Our hero was thus lacking the prerequisite mens rea for the crime, and thus could not commit it.

Meuh (356), Lukewarm (427), Dunnstral (490)
GuiltyLion (146), SirCakez (463)
catboi (482), PookyTheMagicalBear (484)
Ydrasse (32)
Not Voting
Bell (468)

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to eliminate.

No elimination has been achieved. The Day 1 deadline is in (expired on 2023-09-06 12:30:00).

Combined Prism & fferyllt Mod ISO
Last edited by Prism on Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post Post #504 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:48 am

Post by Lukewarm »


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Post Post #505 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:07 am

Post by Lukewarm »

I think that I am convincing myself that GL is town, and that catboi is positioning to eliminate him after killing me for being a tracker.

Both because he linked the two of us together in a way that seems disingenuous, but also in the same post of doing that just side stepped eliminating inside the pair entirely for the day.

Especially when reading , and his pivot into Dunn feels toothless, like it was just The Best Option Left. Not like he even thought his thoughts on Dunn were Good.
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Post Post #506 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:39 am

Post by catboi »

In post 505, Lukewarm wrote: I think that I am convincing myself that GL is town, and that catboi is positioning to eliminate him after killing me for being a tracker.

Both because he linked the two of us together in a way that seems disingenuous, but also in the same post of doing that just side stepped eliminating inside the pair entirely for the day.

Especially when reading , and his pivot into Dunn feels toothless, like it was just The Best Option Left. Not like he even thought his thoughts on Dunn were Good.
I literally just said we shouldn't vote you Day 1 so I don't know where you're getting the idea I'm trying to eliminate you. I would only push to eliminate you if you weren't NKed and after a mass claim your claim was one we decided didn't really fit in the setup. You're right I'm trying to eliminate outside you two, but I don't think you're ever scum together, so there's almost certainly a scum outside you. In the event I'm wrong on there being a scum between you two then voting outside you is even more beneficial to the town for obvious reasons.

I don't know where you'd get the idea I'd be able to effortlessly chain-elim GL and then you or why you think I'd lay my roadmap for a path to victory out in the thread Day 1, that's totally unnecessary as scum when I can just go 1 step at a time.

I would agree with your assessment that I'm not being exceptionally forceful with my vote on Dunn. Why should I be? I have no particular reason to believe my reads are highly accurate, and when I try to force a case too much it ends up being wrong. If I really wanted to I could bullshit a case in 45 minutes on how Dunn is obvious scum and needs to die today but it wouldn't mean I believed it or that it's more likely to be right. Why do I have to have a scumread I feel confident about on Day 1?
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Post Post #507 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:48 am

Post by catboi »

If I wanted to manufacture a case on someone, I'd manufacture a case, it's not that hard.
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Post Post #508 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:08 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 506, catboi wrote: I literally just said we shouldn't vote you Day 1 so I don't know where you're getting the idea I'm trying to eliminate you. I would only push to eliminate you if you weren't NKed
I don't know where you'd get the idea I'd be able to effortlessly chain-elim GL and then you
I was not saying that I felt like you were trying to eliminate me. I specifically meant night kill me, and then use my town flip to elim GL.
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Post Post #509 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:16 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 506, catboi wrote: Why do I have to have a scumread I feel confident about on Day 1?
My issue is that you seemed more confident in there being scum between me and GL, yet chose Dunn.

Your stated position is that you GL is one of the lower people in your reads, and that his flip would give you insight into me, so that seems like the direction that would be more natural.

But you didn't go that direction. Instead, you voted you weaker read, and punted the Luke/GL pair down the road.
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Post Post #510 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:42 am

Post by catboi »

In post 508, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 506, catboi wrote: I literally just said we shouldn't vote you Day 1 so I don't know where you're getting the idea I'm trying to eliminate you. I would only push to eliminate you if you weren't NKed
I don't know where you'd get the idea I'd be able to effortlessly chain-elim GL and then you
I was not saying that I felt like you were trying to eliminate me. I specifically meant night kill me, and then use my town flip to elim GL.

I mean, I get it, but that's still very silly.
In post 509, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 506, catboi wrote: Why do I have to have a scumread I feel confident about on Day 1?
My issue is that you seemed more confident in there being scum between me and GL, yet chose Dunn.

Your stated position is that you GL is one of the lower people in your reads, and that his flip would give you insight into me, so that seems like the direction that would be more natural.

But you didn't go that direction. Instead, you voted you weaker read, and punted the Luke/GL pair down the road.
I have other means of getting insight into you besides voting out GL. I felt at the time you were more likely to be scum than him so I wasn't keen on voting him out. (But maybe I'm wrong on you!). If push came to shove I might vote him, but as I've said, if there's a scum outside you two it makes perfect sense to me to try to find that scum first. If I vote one of you out and it's wrong that's bad, if I'm wrong on both of you it's probably a game-loing read. So to me it doesn't hurt to vote outside. Night actions/claims will potentially help clear you up, if we manage to flip scum outside you then we can see if that scum makes sense as a teammate with either of you.

I wouldn't say I was more confident on GL being scum, that doesn't accurately reflect my position. My read on Dunn isn' verystrong, it's just the best I have currently.
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Post Post #511 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:43 am

Post by catboi »

ughhh i butchered the quote blocks i'm sorry, EBWOP for readability

In post 508, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 506, catboi wrote: I literally just said we shouldn't vote you Day 1 so I don't know where you're getting the idea I'm trying to eliminate you. I would only push to eliminate you if you weren't NKed
I don't know where you'd get the idea I'd be able to effortlessly chain-elim GL and then you
I was not saying that I felt like you were trying to eliminate me. I specifically meant night kill me, and then use my town flip to elim GL.

I mean, I get it, but that's still very silly.
In post 509, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 506, catboi wrote: Why do I have to have a scumread I feel confident about on Day 1?
My issue is that you seemed more confident in there being scum between me and GL, yet chose Dunn.

Your stated position is that you GL is one of the lower people in your reads, and that his flip would give you insight into me, so that seems like the direction that would be more natural.

But you didn't go that direction. Instead, you voted you weaker read, and punted the Luke/GL pair down the road.
I have other means of getting insight into you besides voting out GL. I felt at the time you were more likely to be scum than him so I wasn't keen on voting him out. (But maybe I'm wrong on you!). If push came to shove I might vote him, but as I've said, if there's a scum outside you two it makes perfect sense to me to try to find that scum first. If I vote one of you out and it's wrong that's bad, if I'm wrong on both of you it's probably a game-loing read. So to me it doesn't hurt to vote outside. Night actions/claims will potentially help clear you up, if we manage to flip scum outside you then we can see if that scum makes sense as a teammate with either of you.

I wouldn't say I was more confident on GL being scum, that doesn't accurately reflect my position. My read on Dunn isn't very strong, it's just the best I have currently.
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Post Post #512 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:00 am

Post by Ydrasse »

catching up tmrw ~
one flesh, one end.
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Post Post #513 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:14 am

Post by Bell »

I'm going to jump back in even though I'm not nearly well enough.
I wanna grill everyone.
But I lack the spatulas, the burgers and the BBQ.
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Post Post #514 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:23 am

Post by Bell »

Ah, Pooky cult counter, numbers go up.
It's so fucking weird that he's probably not scum this game because of the opening miller claim, and yet I cannot shake it. I want to vig the bear.

anyway, anyway,
hmm, 2 day tracker. I don't super care.

I find catboi's take on Luke's interactions with the tvt thing surprisingly persuasive. I'm kind of wondering about how they're addressing push back though. They respond differently to pressure than I do though.

I am impressed Cakeboy did in fact piss me off by leaving Luke at E-1. I understand the difference in philosophy in mafia, but come the fuck on.
*ahem* don't worry. it has nothing to do with the game.
Probably. I kind of think Cakez would see it being a bigger problem leaving his vote there than if he didn't.

Then again, he did.

Cakez, Machismo is not a good approach to get explanations or answers for questions you have and I'm confused why you say I'm correct that there was machismo in that post, while also somehow expecting an answer to that question.
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Post Post #515 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:24 am

Post by Bell »

Yes, I am still harping on something that is old.
But I couldn't ask questions that I wanted to.

my ears are burning.
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Post Post #516 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:27 am

Post by Bell »

I feel like maybe sircakez sets off the conduct inquiry team in me.
okay going way again but I'll pop back in, I can't really ocus on reading the game rn anyway.
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Post Post #517 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:52 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 506, catboi wrote: Dunn is obvious scum
I believe in my cat
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #518 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:53 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 514, Bell wrote: Ah, Pooky cult counter, numbers go up.
its ok Bell we're cartoon animal friend for life regardless of the color of our role pms
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #519 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:00 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 512, Ydrasse wrote: catching up tmrw ~
happy birthday ydrasse
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #520 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:18 pm

Post by catboi »

In post 514, Bell wrote: I find catboi's take on Luke's interactions with the tvt thing surprisingly persuasive. I'm kind of wondering about how they're addressing push back though. They respond differently to pressure than I do though.
Don't know what you mean in particular by this.As far as my response goes, I'm trying to be more communicative for the most part. I think Luke's pushback on me is extremely goofy but it's not setting off the same "absolute bullshit" flags the last two times I saw him as scum. I'm bad at reading people who scumread me though, as I've stated. I can't tell if they're being reasonable or not because I'm biased on knowing my alignment. I usually just reflexively OMGUS if they're being annoying enough.
In post 517, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 506, catboi wrote: Dunn is obvious scum
I believe in my cat
LMAO you're evil for this one
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Post Post #521 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:22 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

my cat uses too many words so i must use my editor priviledge to delete the unimportant ones.
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #522 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:27 pm

Post by GuiltyLion »


I'm willing to trust the claim
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Post Post #523 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:35 pm

Post by GuiltyLion »

In post 436, Lukewarm wrote: Your line of questioning with Dunn did not appear to lead to you voicing any thoughts on Dunn's alignment wrt his Catboi read, nor did you seem to argue that Catboi was scum. It was just "but scum catboi COULD do that too, so you should not town read him." And that being the where that conversation led, left me with that impression.

I also, just, in general do not trust that sort of argument as genuine, because it seems to set a precedent that in order to think someone is more likely to be town, you must believe that their actions could not be replicated. And that is a very silly bar to set for town reads.
on this - I don't think I really had a lot of substantial thoughts on Dunn's alignment, at least not worth sharing. I felt most of his reads seemed artificial and formulaic, outside of when he had the same take as I did on Ydra. That's what is kinda hanging me up as I don't see the scum motivation for that read if Ydra is town, and the fact that he had the same reasoning regarding her scum meta felt mindmeld-y. but the catboi read was concerningly easy and I was trying to suss out to what degree he actually believes in it. I also generally don't like that he seemed reluctant to put down a vote on Cakez

I've been unsure of how to feel re:catboi as well but assuming you're telling the truth here I am thinking he's probably mafia
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Post Post #524 (ISO) » Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:36 pm

Post by GuiltyLion »

In post 452, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: i thought about your reasoning for GL and i think its kind of weak sauce and its like you decided to vote him then figure out an excuse rather than the other way around.
tbh you can never put it past Luke to find some reason to scumread me
"I think I no longer believe in monsters as faces in the floor or feral infants or vampires or whatever. I think at seventeen now I believe the only real monsters might be the type of liar where there's simply no way to tell. The ones who give nothing away"

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