Chaos Diplomacy FINISHED! Who were the survivors?

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Chaos Diplomacy FINISHED! Who were the survivors?

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:15 am

Post by Fluminator »


Final Map

Spoiler: Original Map

End Game Post

1. Diplomacy game rules can be read here:
One main difference from the rules given is in chaos diplomacy, you are allowed to build on any supply center you own, not just your home centre.
Spoiler: Most important mechanics to understand
For some more clarification on the mechanics of this game.
The phases will go in this loop, each loop being a year: (not including the year 0 build)
Movement (Spring)
Spring Retreat
Movement (Fall)
Fall Retreat

After the fall retreat, all supply centres that are currently occupied by an opposing unit switch sides. The supply centres are the countries with dots. (The territories people start with)
It's important noting that if someone is on your supply centre at the end of the spring phase, it's still yours because it doesn't change hands until the end of the fall phase.
The amount of supply centres you own at the end of each year is the max amount of units you can have. If you have more units than supply centres, you are forced to disband units on the build phase. Alternatively if you have more supply centres than units on the build phase, you will be allowed to build new units on any of your open supply centres.
If you ever find yourself with zero supply centres, then you will not be allowed to have any units making it impossible to take any more eliminating yourself from the game.
There can only ever be one unit in each territory.

Each unit can do 1 of 4 things during a movement phase.
They can
which means they don't move.
They can
to another territory.
They can
the action of another unit. This increases the priority of the units action.
Fleets can
armies across water.
This link gives visuals and explains it.

All orders are processed simultaneously so there will be conflicts. For example, if two different armies try to enter the same territory with no support, they will both "bounce" back and fail to enter it. One of these armies would need more support than the other to be able to take it.

Finally, if a unit gets displaced (if an army with 2 support moves onto a territory with only 1 army, it will displace the 1 strength army) it will either have to retreat or disband in the retreat phase.
Disbanding it removes it from the board. Retreating it lets you move it to an OPEN neighbouring territory that wasn't bounced that turn.

2. PM me your orders. They have to be clear and unambiguous or it will fail.

3. You may send me impossible orders, but it will fail to succeed.

4. Game ends when one player has 18 centers or all remaining players vote (via PM) for a draw. All draw votes remain anonymous and hidden and the game only ends if all remaining players vote for a draw.

5. No editing any of your posts. If you make a particularly embarrassing typo or grammatical mistake, you're going to have to live with that stain on your record.

6. Once you get officially eliminated, you're allowed a few bah posts, but don't clog up the thread.

7. If you don't know how a certain move combo would work out and you don't feel like researching it, don't hesitate to pm me to ask.

8. No talking strategy for this game outside the game thread. Everything must be public.

9. Take over the world and have fun.

10. Switzerland is impassable. No one can go there.

11. Remember that only owning supply centers give you units. Other territories don't give you any new units.

12, Request for an extension of deadline can be made at anytime in the game thread or via PM. They have to be bolded, and the duration of the extension has to be mentioned clearly.

Game events:
Last edited by Fluminator on Tue May 24, 2016 9:31 am, edited 93 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:16 am

Post by Fluminator »

Past Orders

Spoiler: Year 0 Builds
Order Results:
Sev: Builds A sev

Smy: Builds F smy

Spa: Builds A spa

StP: Builds A stp

Swe: Builds F swe

Tri: Builds F tri

Tun: Builds F tun

Ven: Builds A ven

Vie: Builds A vie

War: Builds A war

Ank: Builds F ank

Bel: Builds F bel

Ber: Builds A ber

Bre: Builds F bre

Bud: Builds A bud

Bul: Builds A bul

Con: Builds A con

Den: Builds F den

Edi: Builds F edi

Gre: Builds A gre

Hol: Builds F hol

Kie: Builds A kie

Lvp: Builds F lvp

Lon: Builds F lon

Mar: Builds A mar

Mos: Builds A mos

Mun: Builds A mun

Nap: Builds A nap

Nor: Builds F nwy

Par: Builds A par

Por: Builds F por

Rom: Builds A rom

Rum: Builds A rum

Ser: Builds A ser

Spoiler: Year 1 Spring
General Notices:
No retreating units; retreat phase skipped.

Order Results:
Sev: A sev Supports A mos -> ukr

Smy: F smy Holds

Spa: A spa Holds

StP: A stp -> lvn

Swe: F swe -> bot

Tri: F tri Holds

Tun: F tun -> naf

Ven: A ven Holds

Vie: A vie -> gal

War: A war -> sil
Bounced with mun (1 against 1).

Ank: F ank -> bla

Bel: F bel Supports F hol -> nth

Ber: A ber -> pru

Bre: F bre -> eng

Bud: A bud Supports A vie -> gal

Bul: A bul Supports A rum -> ser
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.

Con: A con Holds

Den: F den Supports F hol -> nth

Edi: F edi -> nth
Bounced with hol (3 against 1).

No order for unit at Greece. Hold order assigned.
A gre Holds

Hol: F hol -> nth
Bounced with edi (3 against 1).

Kie: A kie -> ruh

Lvp: F lvp -> wal

Lon: F lon Supports F edi -> nth

Mar: A mar -> pie

Mos: A mos -> ukr

Mun: A mun -> sil
Bounced with war (1 against 1).

Nap: A nap -> apu

Nor: F nwy Supports F edi -> nth

Par: A par Holds

Por: F por -> mao

Rom: A rom Supports A nap -> apu

Rum: A rum -> ukr

Ser: A ser -> rum
Failed because Y-Rum: A rum -> ukr failed.

Spoiler: Year 1 Fall
A sev -> rum

Smy: F smy -> aeg

Spa: A spa -> gas

StP: A lvn -> pru
Bounced with pru (1 against 1).

Swe: F bot -> bal

Tri: F tri Holds

Tun: F naf -> wes

Ven: A ven -> tyr

Vie: A gal -> war
Bounced with war (1 against 1).

War: A war Supports A lvn -> pru
Support cut by Move from Galicia.

Ank: F bla Supports A con -> bul

No order for unit at Belgium. Hold order assigned.B-Bel:
F bel Holds

Ber: A pru Supports A gal -> war
Support cut by Move from Livonia.

Bre: F eng -> pic

Bud: A bud Supports A rum
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.

Bul: A bul -> gre

Con: A con -> bul

Den: F den -> nth

Edi: F edi -> nwg

Gre: A gre Supports A con -> bul
Dislodged from bul (2 against 1).

Hol: F hol Supports F den -> nth

Kie: A ruh -> kie

Lvp: F wal -> eng

Lon: F lon Supports F wal -> eng

Mar: A pie -> mar

Mos: A ukr Supports A sev -> rum

Mun: A mun -> ber

Nap: A apu -> ven
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).

Nor: F nwy -> stp/nc

Par: A par Supports F eng -> pic

Por: F mao -> por

Rom: A rom -> ven
Bounced with apu (1 against 1).

The Army in Rumania cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Y-Rum: A rum -> bul
Bounced with con (1 against 1). Dislodged from sev (2
against 1).

Ser: A ser Supports A bul -> gre

Spoiler: Year 1 Builds
Con: Builds A con

Mun: Builds A mun

Nor: Builds A nor

Sev: Builds A sev

Spoiler: Year 2 Spring
Sev: A rum Holds
Sev: A sev Supports A rum

Smy: F aeg -> gre

Spa: A gas -> bre

Swe: F bal -> swe
Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).

Tri: F tri Holds

Tun: F wes -> tys

Ven: A tyr -> tri
Bounced with tri (1 against 1).

Vie: A gal -> vie

War: A war -> lvn

Ank: F bla Convoys A con -> arm
No associated Move order for this convoy.

The Fleet in Belgium cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
No order for unit at Belgium. Hold order assigned.
F bel Holds
Dislodged from pic (2 against 1).

Bre: F pic -> bel

Bud: A bud -> rum
Bounced with rum (1 against 2).

Bul: A gre Supports A ser
Dislodged from aeg (2 against 1).

Con: A con Supports A bul
Con: A bul Supports F aeg -> gre

Den: F nth Convoys A nwy -> bel
No associated Move order for this convoy.

Edi: F nwg -> edi

No order for unit at Holland. Hold order assigned.K-Hol:
F hol Holds

Kie: A kie Holds

Lvp: F eng Supports F pic -> bel

No order for unit at London. Hold order assigned.P-Lon:
F lon Holds

Mar: A mar -> bur

Mos: A ukr -> mos

Mun: A ber -> kie
Bounced with kie (1 against 1).
Mun: A mun Supports A par -> bur
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support

Nap: A apu -> ven

Nor: A nwy -> swe
Bounced with bal (1 against 1).
Nor: F stp/nc -> nwy
Failed because U-Nor: A nwy -> swe failed.

Par: A par Supports A mar -> bur

Por: F por -> mao

Rom: A rom Supports A apu -> ven

No order for unit at Serbia. Hold order assigned.
A ser Holds

Spoiler: Year 2 Fall
Sev: A rum Supports A bul -> ser
Support cut by Move from Budapest.
Sev: A sev Holds

Smy: F gre Holds

Spa: A bre Holds

Swe: F bal -> swe

No order for unit at Trieste. Hold order assigned.
F tri Holds

Tun: F tys -> nap
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).

Ven: A boh Supports A ven -> tyr

Vie: A vie Holds

War: A lvn Supports A mos -> stp

Ank: F bla -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 1).

Bre: F bel Holds

Bud: A bud -> rum
Bounced with rum (1 against 1).

Bul: A alb -> tri
Bounced with tri (1 against 1).

Con: A bul -> ser
Bounced with ser (1 against 1).
Con: A con Holds

Den: F nth -> nwy
Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).

Edi: F edi -> nth
Failed because H-Den: F nth -> nwy failed.

No order for unit at Holland. Hold order assigned.
F hol Holds

Kie: A kie -> ber
Failed because S-Mun: A ber -> mun failed.

Lvp: F eng -> bre
Bounced with bre (1 against 1).

No order for unit at London. Hold order assigned.
F lon Holds

Mar: A bur -> par
Bounced with par (1 against 1).

Mos: A mos -> stp

Mun: A ber -> mun
Failed because S-Mun: A mun -> tyr failed.
Mun: A mun -> tyr
Bounced with ven (1 against 1).

Nap: A ven -> tyr

Nor: A nwy Supports F stp/nc
Support cut by Move from North Sea.

Nor: F stp/nc Supports A nwy
Support cut by Move from Moscow. Dislodged from mos (2
against 1).

Par: A par Supports F eng -> bre
Support cut by Move from Burgundy.

Por: F mao -> gas

Rom: A rom -> nap
Bounced with tys (1 against 1).

No order for unit at Serbia. Hold order assigned.
A ser Holds

Spoiler: Year 2 Builds
Mos: Builds A mos

Spa: Builds A spa

Smy: Builds A smy

Nor: Disbands F bar

Spoiler: Year 2 Spring
Sev: A rum Supports F gre -> bul
Sev: A sev Holds

Smy: F gre -> bul
Smy: A smy Supports F bla -> ank

Spa: The Army in Brest cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
A bre Holds
Dislodged from par (2 against 1).
Spa: A spa -> gas

Swe: F swe -> nwy

Tri: F tri Holds
Dislodged from bud (2 against 1).

Tun: F tys -> nap

Ven: A boh Supports A tyr -> mun

Vie: A vie Supports A bud -> tri

War: A lvn -> pru

Ank: F bla -> ank

Bre: F bel -> pic

Bud: A bud -> tri

The Army in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
A bul -> rum
Bounced with rum (1 against 1). Dislodged from gre (2
against 1).
Con: A con -> ank

Den: F nth -> hol
Bounced with hol (1 against 1).

Edi: F edi -> nth
Failed because H-Den: F nth -> hol failed.

No order for unit at Holland. Hold order assigned.
F hol Holds

Kiel: A kie Holds
Dislodged from mun (2 against 1).

Lvp: F eng Supports A par -> bre

Lon: F lon -> wal

Mar: A bur -> par

Mos: A mos -> war
Mos: A stp Supports F swe -> nwy

Mun: A ber Supports A mun -> kie
Mun: A mun -> kie

Nap: A tyr -> mun

Nor: A nwy Holds
Dislodged from swe (2 against 1).

Par: A par -> bre

Por: F gas -> mao

Rom: A rom Holds

No order for unit at Serbia. Hold order assigned.
A ser Holds

Spoiler: Year 2 Spring Retreats
Tri: F tri -> ven

Kie: A kie -> den

Nor: A nwy -> fin

Spoiler: Year 2 Fall
Sev: A rum Supports A vie -> bud
Sev: A sev Holds

Smy: F bul/sc Holds
Smy: A smy Supports F ank -> con

Spa: A gas -> bre
Bounced with bre (3 against 3).

No order for unit at Norway. Hold order assigned.
F nwy Holds

Tri: F ven -> tri
Bounced with tri (1 against 1).

Tun: F nap Holds

Ven: A boh -> mun
Bounced with ber (1 against 1).

Vie: A vie -> bud

War: A pru -> sil

Ank: F ank -> con

Bre: F pic Supports A bre

Bud: A tri Holds

The Army in Constantinople cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Con: A con -> bul
Bounced with bul (1 against 1). Dislodged from ank (2
against 1).

Den: F nth -> den
Bounced with den (1 against 1).

Edi: F edi -> nth
Failed because H-Den: F nth -> den failed.

No order for unit at Holland. Hold order assigned.
F hol Holds

Kie: A den Supports A mun -> kie
Support cut by Move from North Sea.

Lvp: F eng Supports A bre

Lon: F wal -> lvp

Mar: A par Supports A gas -> bre

Mos: A stp Holds
Mos: A war -> gal

Mun: A ber -> mun
Mun: A kie Supports A ber -> mun

Nap: A mun -> kie
Bounced with kie (1 against 1). Dislodged from ber (2
against 1).

Nor: A fin -> nwy
Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).

Par: A bre Holds

Por: F mao Supports A gas -> bre

Rom: A rom Holds

No order for unit at Serbia. Hold order assigned.
A ser Holds

Spoiler: Year 3 Builds
Smy: Builds F gre

Swe: Builds F swe

Tun: Builds F tun

Vie: Builds A vie

Ank: Builds A ank

Lon: Builds F lon

Mar: Builds F mar

Mun: Builds A ber

Spoiler: Year 4 Spring
specific orders when I get access to an unbroken computer ;_;

Spoiler: Year 4 Builds

Spoiler: Year 5 Spring

Spoiler: Year 5 Fall
Sev: A rum Supports A bud
Sev: A ser Supports A tyr -> tri

Smy: F adr Supports F apu -> ven
Smy: A bul -> gre
Smy: A gre -> alb
Smy: F tys Supports F nap -> rom

Spa: A bre Holds
Spa: A gas -> bur

No order for unit at Denmark. Hold order assigned.No
order for unit at Norway. Hold order assigned.No order for
unit at Sweden. Hold order assigned.
Swe: F den Holds
Swe: F nwy Holds
Swe: F swe Holds

Tri: F nap -> rom

Tun: F rom Holds
Dislodged from nap (2 against 1).

Vie: A bud Supports A tyr -> tri
Support cut by Move from Galicia.

Vie: A tyr -> tri

War: A vie Supports A gal -> bud

Ank: F apu -> ven
Ank: A con -> ank

No order for unit at Picardy. Hold order assigned.
F pic Holds

The Army in Trieste cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Bud: A tri Supports A ven
Dislodged from tyr (2 against 1).
Bud: A ven Supports A tri
Support cut by Move from Apulia. Dislodged from apu (2
against 1).

Edi: F hel Supports F bel -> hol

Hol: F bel -> hol

Lon: F eng -> nth
Lon: F nwg -> edi

Mar: F mar Holds
Mar: A par Supports A gas -> bur

Mos: A gal -> bud
Bounced with bud (2 against 2).
Mos: A stp Holds

Mun: A bur -> mar
Bounced with mar (1 against 1). Dislodged from gas (2
against 1).
Mun: A kie -> hol
Bounced with bel (1 against 1).
Mun: A mun -> tyr

Por: F mao Supports A bre


Spoiler: Year 6 Spring

Spoiler: Year 6 Fall

Sev: A rum Holds
Sev: A ser Holds
Sev: A ukr Holds

Smy: F adr Supports A tri
Smy: A gre Holds
Smy: F ion Convoys A con -> nap
Smy: A ven -> rom
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).

Spa: A bre Supports A pic -> par
Spa: A gas Supports F lyo -> mar

Swe: F den Holds
Swe: F nwy Holds
Swe: F swe Supports F den

The Army in Naples cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Tri: A nap -> apu
Bounced with apu (1 against 1). Dislodged from con (2
against 1).
Tri: F rom Holds

Vie: A gal Holds
Vie: A tri Supports A vie -> tyr
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support

War: A sil Supports A boh -> mun
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support
War: A vie Holds

Ank: F aeg Convoys A con -> nap
Ank: F apu Supports A con -> nap
Ank: A con -> nap
Convoy path taken: con->aeg->ion->nap.

No order for unit at Belgium. Hold order assigned.
F bel Holds

Lon: F edi -> nwg
Lon: F nth -> hol
Bounced with ruh (1 against 1).

Lon: F ska -> nth
Failed because P-Lon: F nth -> hol failed.

Mar: F lyo -> mar
Mar: A pic -> par

Mos: A boh Supports A vie
Mos: A mos -> sev

Mun: A bur -> mun
-Mun: A mun -> ber
Mun: A pie -> mar
Bounced with lyo (1 against 1).
Mun: A ruh -> hol
Bounced with nth (1 against 1).

Por: F mao -> wes

Spoiler: Year 7 Spring

Spoiler: Year 7 Fall

Spoiler: Year 7 Builds

Spoiler: Year 8 Spring

0-Sev: A rum -> gal
0-Sev: A ukr Supports A rum -> gal
0-Sev: A sev -> rum

1-Smy: A smy -> bul
1-Smy: F aeg Convoys A smy -> bul
1-Smy: F adr -> ion
1-Smy: A tus -> ven
1-Smy: A tyr -> boh

2-Spa: F spa/nc -> mao
2-Spa: A por -> spa
2-Spa: A pic -> bur

4-Swe: F swe -> fin

8-Vie: A bud -> gal
8-Vie: A tri -> bud
8-Vie: A war Holds
8-Vie: A vie Holds

9-War: A pru -> war

A-Ank: F bla Supports A smy -> bul
A-Ank: A nap -> rom
A-Ank: A rom -> tus
A-Ank: F ion -> tys

P-Lon: F nwg -> nth
P-Lon: F ska Supports A nwy -> swe
P-Lon: F lon Supports F nwg -> nth
P-Lon: F den Supports F nwg -> nth

R-Mos: A boh -> mun
R-Mos: A nwy -> swe
R-Mos: A mos Supports A pru -> war

S-Mun: A ber -> mun

Spoiler: Year 8 Fall

0-Sev: A ukr -> sev
0-Sev: A rum -> ser
0-Sev: A gal -> rum

1-Smy: A bul -> rum
1-Smy: A tyr -> boh
1-Smy: A ven -> tyr
1-Smy: F ion -> tys
1-Smy: F aeg -> ion

2-Spa: F mao -> bre
2-Spa: A bur Supports A spa -> mar
2-Spa: A spa -> mar

8-Vie: A bud Supports A bul -> rum
8-Vie: A tri -> ser
8-Vie: A sil -> mun
8-Vie: A vie Holds

9-War: A war Supports A gal

A-Ank: F bla Supports A bul -> rum
A-Ank: F tys -> lyo
A-Ank: A rom -> tus
A-Ank: A tus -> ven

K-Hol: F bel -> hol
K-Hol: F hol -> kie
K-Hol: A kie -> mun

P-Lon: F lon -> wal
P-Lon: F nth Holds
P-Lon: F den -> bal
P-Lon: F ska -> den

Q-Mar: A par -> bre
Q-Mar: F mar -> spa/sc

R-Mos: A mos -> stp
R-Mos: A boh -> vie

S-Mun: A ber -> mun

Spoiler: Year 8 Builds

Spoiler: Year 9 Spring

1-Smy: A smy -> arm
1-Smy: A tyr -> boh
1-Smy: A ven -> tyr
1-Smy: F tys Convoys A rom -> alb
1-Smy: F ion Convoys A rom -> alb
1-Smy: A rum Supports A bud -> gal

2-Spa: A mar -> gas
2-Spa: F spa/sc -> mar
2-Spa: A bur Supports F spa/sc -> mar
2-Spa: F mao -> bre

8-Vie: A sil Supports A tyr -> boh
8-Vie: A vie Supports A tyr -> boh
8-Vie: A bud -> gal

9-War: A mun Supports A ber
9-War: A war -> sil

A-Ank: F lyo Supports A tus -> pie
A-Ank: A tus -> pie
A-Ank: A rom -> alb
A-Ank: F bla Supports A rum

Q-Mar: A par -> bur

S-Mun: A ber -> mun

Spoiler: Year 9 Fall

0-Sev: A sev -> rum
0-Sev: A ukr Supports A sev -> rum

1-Smy: F tys -> wes
1-Smy: F ion -> tun
1-Smy: A arm -> sev
1-Smy: A rum Supports A arm -> sev
1-Smy: A tyr Supports A bur -> mun
1-Smy: A boh -> sil

2-Spa: A bur -> mun
2-Spa: F mar Holds
2-Spa: A gas -> spa
2-Spa: F bre Holds

8-Vie: A gal -> war
8-Vie: A sil Supports A gal -> war
8-Vie: A vie -> bud

9-War: A war Holds
9-War: A mun Holds

A-Ank: A alb -> ser
A-Ank: F lyo Holds
A-Ank: A pie Holds
A-Ank: F bla Supports A rum

K-Hol: A kie Supports A bur -> mun
K-Hol: F bel -> nth
K-Hol: F hol Supports F bel -> nth

P-Lon: F den -> kie
P-Lon: F bal Supports F den -> kie
P-Lon: F nth -> hel
P-Lon: F wal -> eng

Q-Mar: A par Holds

R-Mos: A swe -> pru
R-Mos: A stp -> lvn
R-Mos: A mos Supports A sev

S-Mun: A ber -> kie

Spoiler: Year 9 Builds

Spoiler: Year 10 Spring

Spoiler: Year 10 Fall

Spoiler: Year 10 Builds

Spoiler: Year 11 Spring

Spoiler: Year 11 Fall

Spoiler: Year 11 Builds

Spoiler: Year 12 Spring
note: Red moved the armies to Belgium and Holland

Spoiler: Year 12 Fall

Spoiler: Year 12 Builds
Last edited by Fluminator on Tue May 17, 2016 8:11 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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Mafia Scum
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:16 am

Post by Fluminator »

TheBreeze: Moscow, Medium Red,
Owns: St. Petersburg, Norway, and Sweden.
Spoiler: Moscow

Shadoweh: Ankara, Light Green,
Owns: Ankara, Constantinople, Venice, Naples, Spain, Marseilles, and Serbia
Spoiler: Ankara

Bellaphent: Vienna, Light Blue,
Owns: Trieste, Budapest, Vienna, Berlin, and Warsaw.
Spoiler: Vienna

animorpherv1: Spain
Owns: Brest
Spoiler: Spain

Mist7676: Marseilles, Light Red,
Owns: Holland, Belgium, Paris and Munich
Spoiler: Marseilles

Nyalite: Smyrna, Light Pink,
Owns: Smyrna, Bulgaria, Greece, Tunis, Venice, Rumania, Spain, Moscow, and Sevastopol
Spoiler: Smyrna
I couldn't find any flag on Smyrna. You can send me a better flag if you want.

Death Note: London, Dark Pink,
Owns: Liverpool, London, Denmark, and Kiel
Spoiler: London

LadyeAeaea: Holland, Whitish Grey,
Owns: Edinburgh
Spoiler: Holland

Extrapolated Eagle: Greece
Spoiler: Greece

Cephrir: Rumania
Spoiler: Rumania

Axxle: St. Petersburg
Spoiler: St. Petersburg

Lady Lamdadelta
Diamond Sentinel: Berlin
Spoiler: Berlin

JDGA: Bulgaria
Spoiler: Bulgaria

Cybele: Belgium
Spoiler: Belgium

Snakes: Liverpool
Spoiler: Liverpool Soccer Club

Gale Wing Srock: Norway
Spoiler: Norway
Complete with the dimensions in case you want to draw this at home.

The Bad One: Denmark
Spoiler: Denmark

Drench: Constantinople
Spoiler: Constantinople

Pablito: Venice
Spoiler: Venice

Zulfy: Naples
Spoiler: Naples

D3f3nd3r: Paris
Spoiler: Paris

N: Kiel
Spoiler: Kiel

ActionDan: Rome
Spoiler: Rome

Aronis: Tunis
Spoiler: Tunis

AcRv: Edinburgh
Spoiler: Edinburgh

Drixx: Serbia
Spoiler: Serbia

MarioManiac4: Budapest
Spoiler: Budapest

Save The Dragons: Brest
Spoiler: Best

Lokiben: Portugal
Spoiler: Portugal

PrivateI: Trieste
Spoiler: Trieste
This is actually the Yugoslavian flag. It works.

randomidget: Sweden
Spoiler: Sweden

Radja: Sevastopol
Spoiler: Sevastopol

OhGodMyLife: Munich
Spoiler: Munich

Cheery Dog: Warsaw
Spoiler: Warsaw
Warsaw has a really boring flag, so I put a picture of Putin on it.
Last edited by Fluminator on Wed May 18, 2016 7:28 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:18 am

Post by Fluminator »

The game has begun!

Everyone must PM me what build they want (fleet or army) for the first year.
You Have:
(expired on 2016-03-10 18:00:00)
Last edited by Fluminator on Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:33 am

Post by ActionDan »

Maybe Italy will actually be strong and if Tunis/Naples/Rome/Venice and maybe honorary Trieste Ally.
I'll give you a moment to let that sink in
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:39 am

Post by TheBreeze »

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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:43 am

Post by Cheery Dog »

Holder of the Longest Continuous Weekly Mafiascum Post Record. 1 July 2012 - 16 Feb 2023
*It may be held by someone else if you discount the major downtime in 2012 and 2014, I'm not doing the research.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:50 am

Post by Axxle »


This will be an interesting year for sure
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:04 pm

Post by Lokiben »

Leggo. Before I say anything, are we allowed to talk right now? The rules say press is disabled during the build phase.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:06 pm

Post by animorpherv1 »

Hello then!
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:09 pm

Post by Zulfy »

I'm feening for a Mediterranean alliance
no investigation no right to speak
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:10 pm

Post by Fluminator »

Lokiben wrote:Leggo. Before I say anything, are we allowed to talk right now? The rules say press is disabled during the build phase.

In public press, press is allowed during builds and retreats.
Thanks for asking.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:10 pm

Post by Zulfy »

Why hello there Aronis, Extrapolated Eagle
no investigation no right to speak
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:13 pm

Post by Lokiben »

In post 11, Fluminator wrote:
Lokiben wrote:Leggo. Before I say anything, are we allowed to talk right now? The rules say press is disabled during the build phase.

In public press, press is allowed during builds and retreats.
Thanks for asking.

Cool beans. ani, I'm building a fleet that I'm going to take either North or South. If we both leave each other be, neither of us should have to worry about fighting a war on two fronts for a good chunk of time.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:20 pm

Post by Bellaphant »

South Eastern Europe unites?
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:34 pm

Post by PrivateI »

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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:15 pm

Post by Extrapolated Eagle »

Hey. Look at that. The style of my flag sort of matches my avatars scheme. It was almost as if this was planned. (It wasn't)
In post 10, Zulfy wrote:I'm feening for a Mediterranean alliance

You and me both.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:09 pm

Post by OhGodMyLife »

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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:09 pm

Post by OhGodMyLife »

In post 14, Bellaphant wrote:South Eastern Europe unites?

Am I SE enough?
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:12 pm

Post by Axxle »

Russia/Scandinavia alliance?
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:19 pm

Post by Cybele »

Holland, build an army, and we'll work together?
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:28 pm

Post by AcRv »

In post 19, Axxle wrote:Russia/Scandinavia alliance?

Nah, you really want a British/Scandinavia alliance.

(I'm just assuming we in Britain are working together)
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:31 pm

Post by AcRv »

(Holland is in Scandinavia as far as I'm concerned, too)
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:38 pm

Post by Cybele »

Belgium/Holland/Kiel/Berlin rocking this shit together, ya?
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:49 pm

Post by AcRv »

Hang on, I suck at Geography, ignore me. But I'm not against having support from random nations so the offer does stand.
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